
Key Account Management Competence

Vertically tailored, globally executed.

KAM Consulting

Vision and strategy that future proofs your KAM approach to stay ahead in a complex market

KAM Training

Developing new KAM capabilities so your field teams can engage more effectively today and beyond

KAM Technology

Automating and digitizing KAM best practices, bringing out the best in your KAMs

Clarity’s 4 Zones of Customer Engagement for KAM Teams – Overview


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The ClarityES1 Podcast Series offers valuable insights, guidance and best practices for helping your field teams excel at the art and science of Key Account Management.

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Getting the “MIX” of Value Messaging Right

There’s often a large gap that exists between the value messages sales and account professionals think they are conveying and what is actually being received. But why is that? Is it experience? Conducting the right research? Our experience shows it has more to do with the “mix” of ingredients used in the messages themselves and what it takes to get them right.

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View our PDF guide to learn how to build a bridge to and elevate your engagement with your strategic customers.

Understanding the new healthcare ecosystem pressures and developments affecting medical device decision makers.

Find out what successful commercial teams know about today’s healthcare customer ecosystems including 3 critical insights that cannot be ignored!
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